This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file vera.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * V.E.R.A.: (vera). Virtual Entity of Relevant Aconyms END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This is a special GNU edition of V.E.R.A., a list dealing with computational acronyms. Copyright (C) 1993/1998 Oliver Heidelbach Please send corrections to Oliver Heidelbach . Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. Within the above restrictions the distribution of this document is explicitly encouraged and I hope you'll find it of some value. This dictionary has nothing to do with Systems Science Inc. or its products. File:, Node: O, Next: P, Prev: N, Up: Top -- O -- ******* Object Adapter (ORB, IDL) Office Automation Open Access (SPI, DB) Open Arcade Architecture (Intel) OACIS Oregon Advanced Computing InStitute org. Open Architecture Driver (Iomega) Open Architecture Development Group org. Online Airline Guide (CIS) Open Application Group org., USA Open Applications Interface Object Application Kernel Java, predecessor, Sun Operations, Administration and Management [cell] (ATM) OARNET Ohio Academic Resources NETwork network, USA, "OARnet" Office Automation System Office Automation System Facilities (OA) OASIS Online Application System Interactive Software OASIS Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka) OASYS Office Automation SYStem Office Automation Technology and Services (OA) Optically Assisted Winchester (HDD, Seagate) OBjektAbbildungskatalog (ATKIS) Online Bugs Database (Sun, DB) OBject EXchange (WordPerfect) Online Book Store (Internet, WWW) OBject management system of STONE (STONE) Object Class (OOP) Optical Carrier level 1 [51,48 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-1" Optical Carrier level 12 [622,08 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-12" Optical Carrier level 24 [1244,16 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-24" Optical Carrier level 3 [155,52 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-3" Optical Carrier level 48 [2488,32 Mbps] (SONET), "OC-48" Operations Control Center Other Common Carrier Open Cooperative Computing Architecture Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI) Open Collaborative Environment (Apple) Open Computing Facility Operation Control Language OS/2 inside Class Library (OS/2) Online Computer Library Center (Internet, USA) Object Code Only (OOP) Optical Character Recognition Object Compatibility Standard (Motorola) Open Cabling System OLE Control eXtentions (MS) Optical Disk Office Document Architecture [protocol] (RFC 1197, ISO 8613, JTC1, ECMA) Open Document Architecture (CCITT T.410) ODAPI Open Database Application Programming Interface (Borland, DB, API), "Odapi" Open DataBase Connectivity (WOSA, DB, API) ODBMS Object orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB) Optical Disc Corporation manufacturer Operator Distance-Dialing Object Database and Environment (AT&T, DB) Online Data Entry ODETTE Organization for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe Org., Europe Opendoc Development Framework (Apple, OpenDoc) Opendoc Part Framework (OpenDoc) Open Data link Interface (Novell) Open Device Interconnect Object ??? (Apple, ALOE) Office Document Interchange Format (ISO 8613, ASN.1, ODA) Optimale Datenmodelle und algorithmen fuer Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften [auf hochleistungsrechnern] Uni Karlsruhe, Germany, SNI ODINSUP Open Data link Interface - Network driver interface specification SUPport (ODI, NDIS) ODISS Optical Digital Image Storage System Office Develoment Kit Open Document Language (ODA, SGML) Object Database Manager (AIX, IBM) Open Document Management API (API) Object Database Management Group org., DB Open Distributed Processing (ISO) OverDrive Processor (Intel) OverDrive Processor Replacement (Intel) Ontrack Data Recovery (Ontrack, Software, Netware) Optimized Dynamic Routing (SNI) Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz network Office Dialog System (OA) Open Data Services Optical Data Systems [inc.] manufacturer Overhead Data Stream Open Directory Service Interfaces (MS, Windows NT) Online Debugging Technique Open DeskTop (SCO, GUI) OECOS Organizational Engineering for Communications and Organizational Systems (SNI, OA) Original Equipment Manufacturer Operand Execution Pipelines (Motorola, CPU) Olivetti EntsorgungsService (Olivetti) Overflow Flag assembler Optimal Flexible Architecture (Oracle) Open Financial Connectivity MS, banking OFFIS Oldenburg Forschungsinstitut Fuer Informatikwerkzeuge und -Systeme org., Uni Oldenburg Object File System Output Field Separator (AWK) OFfice of the Telecommunications Authority org., Hongkong Open Financial eXchange banking, Intuit, MS, Checkfree OGRAN OpenGate - Router Access Node ??? (RND), "OG-RAN" Off-Hook (MODEM) Operator Information Area (IBM) Object IDentifier (OSI) Object Interface Definition Language Operations-Intelligence Interface mil. Operator Identification Language (ELI) Open Information Warehouse (SAP, R/3) OSI Implementors Workshop (OSI) OnLine Analytical Processing (DB) Object Linking and Embedding OLEDS Object Linking and Embedding Directory Services (ODSI, MS), "OLE DS" Open Linking and Embedding of Objects (OLE, OpenDoc) Originating Line Information Oxford Library Information System OpenLook Interface Toolkit (OpenLook) OLIVR OnLine Interactive Virtual Reality, "OLiVR" OnLine Library Information OnLine Monitor Output Logic Macro Cell (GAL) OnLine Programming System OnLine Real-Time Online Library System OLTEP OnLine Test Executive Program Optical Line Terminating Multiplexer, "O-LTM" OnLine Transaction Processing OpenLook Window Manager (OpenLook) Open MPEG consortium 1 org., MPEG, "OM-1" Object Management Architecture (OMG) Operation and Maintenance Center (PLMN, GSM) Open Messaging Environment (Novell) Object Management Framework (DME) Object Module Format (IBM, MS) Open Media Framework org. Open Media Framework Interchange (OMF) Object Management Group IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun, org. Open Messaging Interface OMISTN Optical Mode Interface SuperTwisted Nematic (LCD), "OMI-STN" Open Network Management Optical Mark Reader (Fax) Optical Mark Recognition Object Management System Open Music System (MIDI, Opcode Systems) Object Management Technique (Westmount, CASE) Object Modelling Technique (CASE) OEstereichisches Normungsinstitut org., Wien, OEsterreich Open Network Architecture Operations Network Administration Center Off Network Access Line Open Network Computing (Sun) ONCXDR Open Network Computing eXternal Data Representation, "ONC XDR" Open Network Environment (Netscape) Operator Number Identification Open-Network Management System Object Orientated Object Orientated [system] Analysis (OOP) Object Orientated Analysis and Design (OOP) OOCTG Object Orientated COBOL Task Group CODASYL, org., OOP Object-Oriented Design Object Oriented Data Base (OOP, DB) OODBMS Object Orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB) Object Orientated Dynamic Language (OOP) Office of The Future (OA) Out of Frame (DS3/E3) Object-Oriented Language (OOP) Open Objects Library (OS/2) Object-Oriented Methodology (OOP) Object Orientated Programming Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP) Object Oriented Program Support (OOP) Object-Oriented Programming System (OOP) OOPSLA [conference on] Object Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications ACM, OOP, conference OOPSTAD Object Orientated Programming for SmallTalk Application Development association org., OOP Object-Oriented Systems Out-Of-Sequence Object Orientated System Analysis (OOP) Object-Oriented SHell (OOP, Shell) Object-Oriented Technology (OOP) Open Publishing Architecture Online Public Access Catalogue (Internet) OpenGL Performance Characterization [project group] OpenGL, org. Overall Performance Category Original Program Clock Reference Operation Protocol Data Units Open Protocol Enhanced Networks OPENHCI Open Host Controller Interface (USB), "OpenHCI" Open Prepress Interface (DTP) Operations-Per-Minute Operations Per Second (CPU) Oracle Parallel Server (Oracle) OPSEC Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity Org., manufacturer Open Protocol Technology Object Query Language (ODMG) Originator / Recipient (X.400, MOTIS), "O/R" ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems conference, GI Object Request Broker (OMA, OMG, CORBA) Online Resource Control Aid ORDBMS Object Relational Database Management System (DBMS, DB) Optical Remote Module Optical Read Only Memory, "O-ROM" Output Record Separator (AWK) Ongoing Reliability Test Operating System Operating System /2 (IBM, OS), "OS/2" OS360 Operating System /360 (IBM, OS), "OS/360" OS400 Operating System /400 (IBM, OS), "OS/400" Operating System - 9 (Microware, OS), "OS-9" Object System Adaptor (SOM) Office Systems Administrator (OA) Open Scripting Architecture (Apple, OS/2) Operator Services Assistance Center Open Systems Application Kernel Overflow Sequential Access Method Optical Storage and Retrieval Ohio Supercomputer Center org., USA OSCAR OnScreen Configuration & Activity Reporting (Apex) OSCRL Operating System Command Response Language OnScreen Display Open Software Description standard (MS, Marimba, XML) Operating System for Distributed Switching Open Software / System Environment OSEIA Open System Environment profile for Imminent Acquisitions (OSE), "OSE/IA" Open Software Foundation HP, DEC, IBM, org. Operations System Function (IN) Oppose Sun Forever [ aka Open Software Foundation] Slang, org. Open Software Foundation [system] /1 (OSF, OS, DEC), "OSF/1" Open Systems Interconnection (ISO 9646-1) OSICS OSI Communication Systems (OSI) Origination Signaling IDentifier OSINLCP [PPP] OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSI, PPP, RFC 1377) OSIRM Open Systems Interconnection/Reference Model (ISO), "OSI/RM" ObjektSchluesselKAtalog (ATKIS) Operating system Service Module (I2O) Optical Storage Manager (ARMS) Open Systems Message Exchange Office System Node (IBM, DIA, OA) Open Systems Network Optical Storage Processor OrganisationStrukturPlan Open Shortest Path First [protocol / routing] (Internet, IGP, RFC 1583) Operating System directed Power Management Object-Structured Query Language (DB, SQL, OODBMS) Optical Scanning Recognition Operator Service System Optical Storage Technology Association org. Open System Test Consortium org., OSTC Office of Science and Technology Policy org., USA OSVS2 (IBM, MVS), "OS/VS2" OSWL2 OS-9 Windows / Level 2, "OSW/L2" Operating System Work Station Object Technology Off Topic slang, Usenet Open Transport (Apple) Office of Technology Assessment org., IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI, ... Optical Time DOMAIN Reflectometer cable On The Other Hand slang, Usenet, IRC One Time Password One Time Programmable [chip] (IC) OTPPP Open Transport/Point-to-Point Protocol (Apple, OT, PPP), "OT/PPP" OTPROM One Time Programmable Read Only Memory Office TeleSystem (OA) Oxford University Computing Laboratory Occam User Group org., User group Organization Unique Identifier (IEEE) Organizational Unit Identifier OUTWATS OUTward Wide Area Telephone Service Object, View, and Interaction Design Object World Frankfurt fair Optical WaveGuide (LWL) Object Windows Library (Borland, API) Open Windows Library (API) OWORM Optical Write Once Read Many, "O-WORM" File:, Node: P, Next: Q, Prev: O, Up: Top -- P -- ******* Peer to Peer [net] Precision Architecture (HP) Private Automatic Branch eXchange Privilege Attribute Certificate (DCE) Priority Access Control Enabled 3Com, ethernet PACER Public Access to Court Electronic Records Picture Archiving and Communications Systems Public-Access Computing Systems Partnership in Advanced Computing Technologies org. UK Personal Air Communications Technology, "pACT" Production Analyses Control Technique Private Automatic Computer eXchange Packet Assembling Disassembling (CCITT, X.3, X.28, X.29, PSDN) Pan American EDIFACT Board (UN/EDIFACT) Pan American EDIFACT Board org., EDIFACT, "PA/EB" Process After Input (R/3) Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB) Phase Alternating Line Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha) Programmable Array Logic Paging Area Memory Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA) Primary Access Method (BS2000) Programmable Attribut Maps (DRAM, PCI) Pulse Amplification Modulation Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (Internet, BBS) Personal Account Number PANIX Public Access internet/uNIX [system] Unix, Internet, network Password Authentication Protocol (RFC 1334) Printer Access Protocol (AppleTalk) ProgrammAblaufPlan (DIN 66001) PC voice API (API) Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission [protocols] Project Authorization Request (IEEE) Palo Alto Research Center org., USA, Xerox PARLE [conference on] Parallel ARchitecture and Languages Europe ECRC, conference PARTS Parts Assembly and Reuse Tool Set (Visual Smalltalk) Publicly Available Specifications (ISO) Personal Application System /2 (IBM, DB2/2), "PAS/2" Portable Application Standards Committee org., IEEE Port and Adress Translation (IOS, Cisco, LAN, IP) Pixel Adressing eXtensions (Intel, RISC, CPU) Portable Archive eXchange (SCO, Unix) Private Automatic eXchange Pipeline Burst [cache] Peripheral Bus Computer Prompt By Example Pacific Bell Internet (ISP) Phone Based Interface Play By Mail [game] Process Before Output (R/3) Private Branch eXchange (Nebenstellenanlage) Personal Computer Printed Circuit (IC) Priority Control Protocol Control Punched Card Personal Computer 97 (MS), "PC 97" Policy Certification Authority (DFN, PGP) Power Calibration Area (CD) Personal Computer - Advanced Technology, "PC-AT" Printed Circuit Board Process Control Block (BS2000) Protocol Control Block (TCP) Portable C Compiler Personal Computer Communications Associations org., USA Photo CD (Kodak, CD) Process Control Device Program Controlled Data Acquisition PCDOS Personal Computer DOS (OS), "PC-DOS" PCERT Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team Portable Compiled Font Paging CHannel (GSM, CCCH) Peripheral Component Interconnect Protocol Control Information (OSI, ETSI) Personal Communications Industry Association org., USA, SMS Portable Common Interface Set PCIXF Personal Computer Intergrated eXchange Format (OS/2), "PC/IXF" Portable Common LOOPS (CLOS) Printer Control Language (HP) Programmable Command Language (CMU, DEC, TOPS) Personal Computer Manufacturer Physical Connection Management (FDDI, SMT) Plug Compatible Machine Pulse Coded Modulation PCMCIA People Can't Memorize Computer Industries Acronyms slang PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association org. Project & Configuration Management System Personal Computer Message Terminal Personal Communications Network Public Communications Network (Mobile Systems) PCNFS Personal Computer Network File System Point of Control and Observation (ISO 9646-1, IUT) Personal Computers Peripheral Corporation Peak Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, SCR) Processor Configuration Register (Motorola, CPU) Program Clock Reference Phase Change ReWritable (DVD, EMCA), "PC-RW" Personal Communication System (Sony, Panasonic, Motorola) Personal Communications Services Programmable Communications Subsystem Punched Card System (PC) Personal Computing Systems Architecture [= Pathworks] (DEC, NOS) Printer Control Sequence Description Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. manufacturer Private Communication Technology (Internet, MS, Visa) Probe Control Table (FFST/2) PCTCP Personal Computer/Transmission Control Protocol, "PC/TCP" Portable Common Tool Environment (CASE, ESPRIT) POSIX Compliance Test Suite (POSIX) P-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3) Path Coding Violation [error event] (DS1/E1) Personal Computer - eXtended Technology, "PC-XT" Packetization Delay Public DOMAIN Personal Digital Assistent Power Disk Cartridge (ECMA) Primary DOMAIN Controller MS, Windows NT PROLOG Development Center Hersteller, Denmark, PROLOG Partial Differential Equation Product Data / Definition Exchange Standards (USA, STEP, CIM) Portable Document Format (Adobe) Program Development Facility (IBM) Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (ATM) Power and Data Interface Page / Program Description / Design Language PERL Data Language (PERL) Program Development Language Program Development Manager (IBM, ADT) Programmer's Distribution Network (Fido) Public Data Network (Mobile Systems) Portable Distributed Objects (NeXT) Parallel and Distributed Operating System (OS, MIT) Parallel Distributed Processing (AI) Peripheral Data Processing Plasma Display Panel Programmable Data Processor (DEC) Parallel Data Query (Informix, DB) Partitioned Data Set Portable Display Shell (Shell) Processor Direct Slot / Socket (Motorola) Professional Development System (MS) Public DOMAIN Software (PD) Peripheral Data Storage Processor Post Development and Software Support Pacific Daylight Time [-0700] (TZ, PST, USA) Proposed Draft Technical Report Packet Data Unit Product Development Unit Protocol Data Unit (OSI) Photorealistic Data Visualization ProzessDatenVerarbeitung Phase Encoding Portable eXecutable (Win32) Processing Element (MPP) Pocket Ethernet Adapter LAN, ethernet PEARL Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language Program Execution Control (IBM, OS/2) Planning, programming, budget, and execution Electronic Delivery System Partners Early Experience Kit (Taligent) Picture ELement Privacy Enhanced Mail (PSRG, RFC 1421/1422/1423/1424) Public Education Network Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit) Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1) Program Event Recording Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister slang Practical Extraction and Report Language (PERL) Pre-Embossed Rigid Magnetic (Sony, HDD) PERMIS PERManentes InventurabwicklungsSystem (MBAG) PEROM Programmable Erasable Read Only Memory (IC) Program Evaluation / Evolution and Review Technique P-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3) Photo-Electric Scanning (DTP) Programmed Electrical Stimulation Proposed Encryption Standard Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing Personal Electronic Translator Print Enhancement Technology (Compaq) Progressive Educational Technology PHIGS Extension for X (X-Windows, PHIGS) Parameter Field Address (Forth) Predictive Failure Analysis (HDD) Protocol Field Compression (PPP) Page Fault Error (Windows, MS) Program Function Key Printer Font Metrics (Adobe) Processor Frame Power Unit Portable Font Resource (Netscape) Pin Grid Array (IC, CPU) Professional Graphics Adapter (IBM) Professional Graphics Controller PGFNA Prince George Free-Net Association org., USA Parameter Group Identifier (SPDU) Precision Graphics Markup Language (XML, IBM, Netscape, Sun, Adobe) Pretty Good Privacy Program Generation System PHIGS Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System PHIGSPLUS PHIGS Plus Lumiere and Surfaces (PHIGS), "PHIGS-PLUS" PHIPS Professional High-Resolution Image Processing System (CA) Phreakers and Hackers Underground Network network PHYsical Layer Control (FDDI) Placement and Interconnect [system] (VLSI, MIT) Peripheral Interface Adapter Plug-In Administrator Personal Intelligent Communicator Point in Call (IN) Primary Independent Carrier Priority Interrupt Controller (IC) Programmable Interrupt Controller PCTE Interface Control Group org., PCTE Platform for Internet Content Selection org., Internet Plug-in Inventory Control System Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements PICSDCPR PICS Detailed Continuing Property Record, "PICS/DCPR" Priority Interrupt Control Unit Process IDentification number (Unix) Protocol IDentifier [governing connection types] Personal Interactive Electronics [division] (Apple) Psion Interest Group (Psion) PCI IDE/ISA Xcelerator (Intel IC) Parallel Inference Machine (FGCS, AI) Personal Information Manager Protocol Independent Multicast PCTE Interface Management Board org., PCTE Paar [kabel] In MetallFolie (VDE, STP), "PiMF" Project Information Management System Personal Identification Number banking Processor Independent Netware (Novell, HP, DEC, Apple, Sun) Program for Internet News and Email / PINE Is No longer ELM PINET Physicians Information NETwork network, USA Packet InterNet Groper (ICMP, TCP/IP) Parallel / Programmed Input/Output Personen, Institutionen, Objekte, Sachen (INPOL) Packet Interface Port Paper Impact Printing Periphal Interchange Program Peripheral Interchange Program Personal Information Processor Picture In Picture (Video) Plug-In Protokoll (ZOC) Parallel Information Processing System (GNU) Pattern Information Processing Systems Printing Industries Research Association org. Portable InformationsSystem Architecture (DB, infodas, PISA) PISABG PISA/Business Graphics (PISA), "PISA/BG" PISADB PISA/Data Base (PISA, DB), "PISA/DB" PISADD PISA/Data Dictionary (PISA), "PISA/DD" PISADK PISA/ ??? (PISA), "PISA/DK" PISAMP PISA/Menue Processor (PISA), "PISA/MP" PISANT PISA/ ??? (PISA), "PISA/NT" PISAPPS PISA/ProduktionsPlanung und -Steuerungsystem (PISA), "PISA/PPS" PISAQL PISA/Query Language (PISA), "PISA/QL" PISARG PISA/Report Generator (PISA), "PISA/RG" Process Interrupt Status Word CPU, assembler Programmable Interval Timer Pain In The Anatomy / As slang, Usenet, IRC Path Information Unit (IBM, SNA) Plug-In Unit PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing Public Key Cryptography Standards org., USA, Verschluesselung Polizeiliche KriminalStatistik (INPOL) Physical Layer (ISO, OSI) Programming Language no. 1 (DEC), "PL/1" Programmable Logic Array PLATO Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations Picture Level Benchmark (GPC) PLBSI Picture Level Benchmark Sample Implementation (GPC) Programmable Logic Controller (IC) Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier Physical Layer Convergence Procedure / Protocol (UNI, DS-3) Programmable Logic Device (IC) Power Line Disturbance Monitor Parallel Line Internet Protocol (IP), "PL/IP" Phase Locked Loop Programming Language for Microcomputers Public Land Mobile Network (Mobile Systems, GSM) Physical Layer Overhead Unit (UNI), "PL-OU" Packet Layer Protocol (X.25) Party Line Protocol Presentation Level Protocol Personal Library Systems manufacturer PhysicaL Signaling Programmable Logic Sequencer Presentation Level Video (DVI, Intel) Performance Management Peripheral Module Physical Medium Presentation Manager (OS/2) Physical Medium Attachment Policy Management Architecture (Netmanage, Internet) Program Memory Area (CD) Packet Media Access Control (FDDI), "P-MAC" Peripheral Module Access Controller Pseudo-Machine Code Physical layer, Medium Dependant [sub-layer] (FDDI, UNI) PMDRAM Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC), "PM-DRAM" Pattern Matching Engine Pardon Me for Jumping In slang Paged Memory Management Unit Positive-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (IC) Point to MultiPoint (UNI) Preventive Maintenance Package (AIX, IBM) Poor Man's Routing Problem Management Report (IBM) Personal Mailing System Processor Memory Switch Project Management System Public Message System Preliminary Message Security Protocol PowerMeter Unit Project Manager Workbench Packet MultipleXer (MUX) Presentation Manager for the X window system, "PM/X" Portable Network Graphics [format] (RFC 2083) [phase 0] Public Network Node Interface [protocol] (ATM) Private Network to Network Interface (ATM), "P-NNI" Plug 'N Play (PNP), "PnP" PNPBIOS Plug and Play Basic Input Output System (PNP, BIOS), "PnP BIOS" Positive Negative Positive Negative [devices] PeaceNet Sweden network Personal NetWare (Novell, Netware) POACH PC-On-A-Chip (PC) Proof of Concept POCSAG Post Office Code Standard Advisory Group org., SMS Plain Old Document [format] Piloting of ODA (ESPRIT, SNI, Bull, TITN, ICL, Olivetti, ODA) Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, TDM) PowerOpen Association Apple, IBM, Motorola, ..., org. Portable Object-orientated Entity Manager (SGML) POEMS Platinum Open Enterprise Management System Primary Operand Execution Pipeline (Motorola, CPU), "pOEP" Plastic Optical Fiber (OWG) Programmer-Oriented Graphics Operation Path OverHead (SONET) Path Overhead Indicator (SONET) Point Of Information Point Of Interaction (IN) Problem / Procedure / Process Oriented Language Parallel Object Orientated Language (DOOM, OOP) Package for Online Programming Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP) Post Office Protocol 3 (Internet, RFC 1939) Point Of Return (IN) Power-On Reset (BIOS) Primary Operating System (OS) Programmable Object Select Promoting conference for OSI Japan, Org., conference POSIX Portable Operating System for unIX (OS, IEEE 1003, ISO 9945, PASC, Unix) Power-On Self-Test POSYBL PrOgramming SYstem for distriButed appLications Plain Old Telephone System slang, Usenet, IRC Persistence of Vision raytracing POWER Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC [chip] (IBM, Apple, Motorola) Physical Partion (LVM) Physical Plane (IN) Pre-Processor Parallel Port Adapter PowerPC (Apple) Program to Program Communication (Apple) Personal Printer Data Stream Presentation Protocol Data Unit (PDU, OSI, ISO 8823, OSI/RM) Packet Processing Engine (Hub) Plastic Pin Grid Array (CPU) Parallel Port Interface Pixels Per Inch Programmable Peripheral Interface Parent Process IDentification number (Unix) Pcboard Programming Language (BBS) Polymorphic Programming Language (Harvard, Xerox, PARC) Pages Per Minute Pulse Position Modulation Professional Productivity Management System Project Programmer Number Public Packet Switching Plain Paper Optimized Printing (Canon), "P-POP" Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet, PPP, RFC 1171/1661) Packets Per Second Parallel Processing System ProduktionsPlanung und -Steuerung Public Packet Switching [network] Public Packet-Switched Network Personal Printer Spooling Utility Point-to.Point Tunneling Protocol (MS, Ascend, IP) Peripheral Processing Unit Print Quality Enhancement Technology (Lexmark) Plastic Quad Flat Package (CPU) Packet Radio Pattern Recognition Pentium Rating (AMD) PRACSA Public Remote-Access Computer Standards Association org., USA Parameter Random Access Memory (RAM, IC, Apple), "P-RAM" Project Revision Control System (GNU) PowerPC REferenz Plattform (IBM, Apple), "PReP" PREPNET Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership NETwork network, USA, "PREPnet" Problem Report Form (IBM) Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) PRIDE PRofitable Information by DEsign (IRM) PRISM Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessing PRISM PRogrammed Integrated System Maintenance PRivate Management DOMAIN (X.400, MHS) Partial Response - Maximum Likelihood (HDD) Pseudo Random Noise [code] (GPS) Pseudo Random Numer Generator Precision RISC Organization org. PROFIBUS PROcess FIeld BUS PROFS PRofessional OFice System (IBM, VM) PROLOG PROgramming in LOGic Partial Read Only Memory, "P-ROM" Programmable Read Only Memory PROMATS PROgrammable Magnetic Tape System PROPAL PROgrammed PAL ??? [protocol] PROTEL PRocedure Oriented Type Enforcing Language Programming Request for Price Quotation Pattern-Recognition System (PR) Portable Remote Terminal Program Reference Table Printing Response Time Monitor PostScript (Adobe) Power Supply Privilege Service (DCE) Process Status (Unix) Personal System /2, "PS/2" Presentation Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP) Program Specification Block Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center org., USA PSCNET Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center NETwork network, USA, "PSCnet" Printer Sharing Device Programmer's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix) Public Switched Digital Capability Packet-Switching Data Network Public-Switched Digital Service Packet Switch Exchange Port Switched Ethernet Bytex, VLAN, ethernet P-bit Severely Errored Seconds (DS3/E3) Permanent Swap File Print Services Facility (IBM) Performance Systems International, inc. Presentation Space IDentifier (IBM) PSIPU PostScript - Intelligent Processing Unit (Canon, Adobe, CLC), "PS-IPU" Packet Switch Interface Unit Phase Shift Keying (DFUE) PD Service Lage (Haendler) Public Software Library Persistent Stored Modules (SQL) Personal Software Marketing (IBM) Packet / Public Switched Network Packet Switch Node (ARPANET, MILNET) Persistency framework in SOMobjects (IBM, DSOM) Personal Software Products (IBM) Program Segment Prefix (DOS) ProjektStrukturPlan PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network (IN) Phase Shift Register Program Support Representative Privacy and Security Research Group (IRTF) Professional Standards Review Organization Packet Switch Services / Stream Pacific Standard Time [-0800] (TZ, PDT, USA) Public Switched Telephone Network (IN) Portable Storage Unit Primary Sampling Unit Program Storage Unit Program Status Word Payload Type (ATM) Payment Transaction Application Layer Internet, banking Private Trans-Atlantic Telecommunications Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt org. Pacific Telecommunications Council org. Parallel Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN) Parallel Transfer Disk / Drive Packet Transport Equipment Path Terminating Equipment (SONET) Program Temporary Fix (IBM) Payload Type Identifer (ATM, PT) Packet Transfer Mode (ATM) Patent and Trademark Office org., USA PTOCA Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA) Paper Tape Punch Paper Tape Reader Postes, Telegraphe et Telephone org., Schweiz Primary Translation Word Pseudo-Terminal driver Physical Unit (NAU) Power Unit Processing Unit Profiling User Agent Physical Unit Block Peripheral Unit Controller Public Utilities Commission Physical Unit Control Point (IBM, SNA) PUFFT Purdue University Fast FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN) Physical Unit IDentifier (IBM) Power User's Macintosh Association org., Apple Processor Upgradable Modular Architecture Programmable Universal Micro Accelerator Physical Unit Management Services PARC Universal packet Protocol Program Update Tape Physical Volume (LVM, HDD) Permanent Virtual Circuit (SVC) Permanent Virtual Circuit / Channel / Connection (ATM) Permanent Virtual Channel Connection (ATM) Polytron Version Control System Primary Volume Descriptor (CD, IS 9660) PVITL Program-Variation-In-The-Large (SCM) PVITS Program-Variation-In-The-Small (SCM) Parallel Virtual Machine Private Virtual Network Packet Video Protocol Permanent Virtual Path Connection (ATM) Printer Wire Board Programmers Work Bench (MS) Print Working Directory (Unix) Pulse Width Modulation Peacenet World News PWSCS Programmable WorkStation Communication Services Pulse-Wave Velocity Person Years Phil Zimmermann Defense Fund (PGP) ??? File:, Node: Q, Next: R, Prev: P, Up: Top -- Q -- ******* Quality Assurance Question & Answers, "Q&A" Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quality-Assurance Program (QA) Quality-Assurance Program Inspections (QA) Queue Application Program Interface (SAP, API) Quality-Assurance Program Plan (QA) Quasi-Associated Signaling QBASIC Quick Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC, DOS) Quick Bulletin Board System (BBS) Query By Example (DB) Query By Forms (DB) Query By Image Content (IBM) Queue Control Block Quality Color Dithering Modus Quarter Common Interchange Format Queueing Delay Quadri Data Layer [CD] (CD) Quick and Dirty Operating System (OS) Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager (EMM, Quarterdeck) Query Filter (DB) Quick File Access Quad Flat Pack Quarter Inch Committee org. QICSC Quarter Inch Cartridge Standards Committee (QIC) Quarter Inch Cartridge Wide (QIC) Quality Information System Query Language Queuing Literature Database (DB) Query Language Interpreter Qualified Logical Link Control [protocol] (IBM) Quine McCluskey approach Query Management Facility (IBM) Queue Management Service (Netware) Quality Of Service (ATM, CLR, CTD, CDV), "QoS" Quality Program Analysis Quark Publishing System (DTP) Quadri Phase Shift Keying [modulation] Queue Packet and Synchronous circuit Exchange Quick Pascal Units (MS) Queued Sequential Access Method Queued Terminal Access Method Query Update by EXample QUICC QUad Integrated Communications Controller (Motorola) QUad In-line Package QUIPS QUality Improvements Per Second Queue eXecutive Interface